Sunday Services
We meet together every Sunday morning at 9:30am when we share in a mix of songs, prayer, activity, conversation, with stuff for children from contemporary sources – finishing with drinks.
A streaming option is also available at this service for those who have worshipped from a distance during the lockdowns. Send us an email and we’ll forward you the link to join the stream.
This service has a pattern of worship which is led by a Local Preacher or Minister, with liturgy, readings and a sermon, with hymns from a variety of sources. This service starts with tea & coffee from 10:30am before worships starts at 10:45am.
We are pleased that the Presbyterian Church of Cameroon Christian Women’s Fellowship are part of our church family.
Joint Services
On special occasions during the year our two congregations come together to celebrate. These services start at 10:45am and usually happen at Christian festivals such as Christmas, Easter and Pentecost.
Wellingborough Methodist Church is part of the Nene Valley Methodist Circuit. When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, we worship at a service which starts at 11am and is hosted by various churches within the circuit. To find out more about these services go to the circuit website.
Learning and Caring
Our newsletter inTouch keeps us informed.
Compass Bible Study meets weekly on Zoom at 7:30pm on Tuesday evening.
Meet and Make Welcome is a friendship group open to all which meets every Wednesday at the church from 10:00am – 12:00pm.
We host an ecumenical World Day of Prayer Service in the evening.
We collect food and essential items for the Daylight Centre weekly throughout the year.
Our building is available for use by community groups and we are pleased that our lovely premises are regularly enjoyed by others.
We are becoming known for our fence projects created by our church congregation and friends in the wider community.

Find Out More
To find out more about anything that happens in our Church or to join any of our regular activities please speak to us for more information and we can put you in touch with the right person.